simply one of the best games of all time.
User Rating: 9.6 | Metroid Prime GC
i admit that i havent found many games to play on my recently purchased gamecube. i can honestly say this game alone is worth it. featuring graphics i would barely think possible on a current gen and an atmosphere like ive never been in before. the games graphics are so good, that you really feel like your in the game, and with effects everywhere you look it continually wows you with every moment you spend playing it. the controls also make the game work perfectly, and feel comfortable on the gamecubes controller. the actual gameplay is probably the brightest point of the game. the firefights are absolutly heart pounding, and the puzzles are a blast to solve, yet are never frustrating. And this is one hell of a long game too, so there is alot of these things to enjoy the whole way through. which is true, because never once did i feel like the game was starting to get dull. its a thrill ride the whole way through, and is a buy or die for any gamecube owner. and a reason to buy a gamecube for anyone who doesnt own one.