Whether or not you are a fan of the Metroid series, own a Gamecube or not there is no dening Metroid Prime' s quality!!
User Rating: 10 | Metroid Prime GC
When I used to play Metroid I thought the only direction the series was going was more 2D games and I couldn't imagne how it would make it's smooth transition to 3D like Mario and Zelda did. But here I am just finishing playing one of the best, and downright perfect game I have ever played. Metroid Prime not only resembles a huge leap in the series but what can be done when you put your mind to it. As all fans of this classic Nintendo series we were sceptical of Metroids leap to 3D. But put your fears to rest, it is more than successful, it is SPECTACULAR!!!!!!!!!! Refitted with innovative controls that make you feel like Samus Aran in her suit, you can not make direct turns like a FPS, which by the way THIS IS NOT, it is a puzzle solving, backtracking, fufilling ADVENTURE GAME. But back to the controls, while you aim with the analog stick this also controls your camera moving so to do direct aiming the right trigger must me held down, but at the same time keeps you standing in the same place, causing you to think of your moves before you do them in fights. While that is how you move the other controls are easier to use. The A button is used to fire any of you weapons, the B button lays bombs, jump, or double jump by being pressed twice. The C stick help you alternate through your four selectable weapons, the X botton fires missle, Y turn you into your morph ball, and the D pad selects your visors. I know these are difficult to understand but the game will take some time to understand but will be rewarding in the end. Keep in mind the difficulty in this game because it has a steep learning curve. Also you can lock on with the L trigger. All of the fan favorite weapons are here in full 3D. The Plasma Shot which is Samus's basic weapon, has a high rapid fire function, and can charge up to fire a powerful shot and gather nearby items, like ammo or health. The Wave Beam is a electric beam with a small homing capibilty that can paralyze enemies when charged. The Ice Beam has a slow fire rate but when charged can freeze smaller enemies and when shot with a missle can destroy them instantly. Also the Plasma Shot is the most powerful gun in the game and when charged can incinerate enemies to ash. Last the missle is a explosive when that can be charged with other weapons for charged attack once the power up for the shot is found. The graphics and sound in the game are just stunning, no other word for it.
With the Gamecube hardware Retro Studios pushed the system to its limits with large expansive and explorable landscapes. The soundtrack is all classic Metroid with a few more new songs added and bolstered with Dolby Pro Logic 2. There is a story to the game one you have to read for yourself, literally, by scanning the enviroment to figure out your next objective. What you have just read is only a little of what there is in store, so buy this game and see it yourself. Hope this helped even a little it is my first review.