Halo for gamecube.Good job Nintendo
Gameplay other than the weird combonation were you can't use the c-stick to look around the controls work there is a good mix of hard bosses puzzles and decent action although i think there is a story but Samus never talks so not really a story but who cares it still works
Graphics the one thign this game has better than halo is graphics but everything else is very close the graphics are stunning other than the enviroment everything looks great some things in the enbiroment don't look all that great though
Sound the techno music is good and at the right time creepy also footsteps sound real i don't like the sound of the gun though
Value decent story thats it. i think it is definately 20 dollars so its probably worth it for a halo or fps fan it is a great game
Tilt The best halo clone maybe the best metroid game definately