Metroid Prime is quite simply, the most innovative, immersive, and completely masterful title ever made. A must have!!!

User Rating: 10 | Metroid Prime GC
Metroid Prime is an instant classic. If you haven't played Metroid Prime, you absolutely need to go get this game NOW! It throws you into the power suit of the famous intergalactic bounty hunter, Samus Aran. You will explore many worlds and meet loads of enemies all wanting a piece of you, and you definately want a piece of them, because they are guarding your suit and weapon upgrades. From the power beam and morph ball, to the flame-thrower and power bombs, Metroid Prime gives you inumerable weapons and upgrades throughout the game, with which you can dispose of your enemies. Along with an amazing visual and audio experience, Metroid Prime delivers a great story line and gives you an opportunity to unlock photo galleries and secret endings for those devoted hunters willing to complete 100% of their logbook scans. If it stopped there, you would have an already amazing game but it doesn't stop there. Metroid Prime is not only another first-person shooter that you and pick up and blast everything in sight and be done in a few hours, it also gives a perfect blend of puzzle solving whether it be, using a blast from the flame thrower to melt a sheet of ice, or be it using spinner orbs to align a maze of spider ball tracks to the ceiling of a 3 story shaft. I could go on and on all day about all of the features and positive aspects of Metroid Prime, but i would rather give you the negative aspects that would deter you from purchasing and playing this game. Here it goes:"------------------------------------------" yes, that is what i can think of that is wrong with this game, absolutely NOTHING! The bottom line is this game is perfect and you need to pick it up.

10.0 Great job Retro Studios, keep up the good work.