Quite possibly the best Gamecube game ever.
User Rating: 9.6 | Metroid Prime GC
This game is quite possibly the best game ever on Nintendo's little purple lunchbox. This game is the most beautiful Gamecube game, and I'd even go as far to say it looks as good as the bottom of the barrel 360 titles. Every single little plant, every drooling alien, all look so realistic that you feel you can actually reach out and touch it. The gameplay in Metroid Prime is very hard to get used to, because even though it is a FPS, it doesn't go by that control scheme, rather than explain it, I'll just tell you that it's hard to get used to, but very rewarding. The large amount of back tracking in the game is annoying, but it is cool when you reach new heights and find something you never knew was there. This game has one of the best in-game soundtracks of light music that you barely hear, but you can feel what emotion it trys to instill in you. All the monsters sound great too. The game will last you a good 20-25 hours if you know where everything is, but it's so easy to get lost in exploring the huge gameworld. For the game's value, it's fun to play through multiple times, just don't expect anything new. I had a great time with MP, when I first got it, I marathon gamed all weekend. I'm sure, that if you like any video game, you'll enjoy Metroid Prime. Just make sure you have a little patience.