A stand-out game.
Gameplay: It is just a simple city-simulator, there's not much detail to the game. It's just make a city, communicate with the people, keep everyone happy and meet your population quota so you can move on to the next city difficulty.
Graphics: This is one of the worst looking games on the Playstation 2, which is something that is easy to do.....if your not trying, but I kinda liked the graphics in this game, because there is no way to take this game seriously. The people have really no animations, they just repeat a very small number of movements and they do seem very robotic.
Sound: I never really paid too much attention to the music in this game, cuz I always had my t.v. on mute while playing this game, cuz I could not stand the voices in this game. Every once in a while there would be pauses when the "Over Seer" is speaking to you which is not a very big deal, but you will want to move on and just start building your city, not listening to that annoying man.
Value: I don't know if other people are going to agree with this, but there is some replay value for this game. Just to build up another city and come up with more intricate city designs.