Fun!! ...Kind of.
User Rating: 7 | MetropolisMania PS2
When I first got this game for Christmas (as a side present), I honestly did not know what to expect. I mean, the game looked fun, but these kind of games on PS2 weren't really my kind of stuff, you know? But as soon as I popped in the disc and hit the reset button, my opinion changed quite quickly. This game is, oddly enough, amazingly addictive, amazingly easy, and very cheap to boot, if you can even find it. It's definitely brought down by some translation flaws and such, but nevermind that. You play as a little dude in a yellow suit called a Metropolis Maker. You go around, creating the houses of the residents, setting up relationships, and trying to achieve a goal of a certain amount of residents. It's easy, so as soon as you play, you'll most likely get the hang of it, and you'll probably be able to go through it. I don't wanna go too much into it, I'd rather let you pay it.