More fun than the sims but you might feel like someone gave you a hamster wheel to keep you busy for a few hours.
User Rating: 7 | Miami Nights: Singles in the City DS
I picked up this game because it seemed like the sims but with a story. Well, the game just turns out to be someone calling you, telling you to do things to keep you busy in the game, when you finish one task ie: earn $300 to buy some furniture you get another, go meet Phillip at library, Phillip will tell you he needs $500 to help you etc etc. I'm still interested in finding out what happens to the character you play next but I also feel like I'm just wasting a half hour of game play when I could be playing something else that I could really be getting into and has more gamer interaction. All in all this is really a mobile phone game which is what it was for, like New York Nights I believe it was but it was ported to the DS and people who pick up a console game aren't expecting a mobile phone game.