Terrible Game

User Rating: 1.6 | Miami Vice: The Game PSP
Making a game based on a movie based on a show from the 80's, why what a great idea. I would say this is an amazing game except for the fact that its completley terrible. The controls are just horrible. The graphics are okay, and the plot is decent. The game could round off to be a good 6/10 if it werent for the controls. The entire fact that you have to hold R to aim and you cant even move when you're shooting ruins it. The only reason the controls suck is because you can shoot unless you're holding R and the aiming is just terrible. The movement doesn't correspond to the analog nub and they made the villians too fast at aiming so you die before you even kill them. My rating, 3/10 at the most. My suggestion, go with Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror.