This games pretty good. If only it had controls of Syphon Filter... but other then that fun gameplay, and great graphics

User Rating: 9.1 | Miami Vice: The Game PSP
Miami Vice had potential to be the best game for PSP today. With great graphics, great concept, only the lack of great controls, a crosshairs, and a longer story line.
Controls in Miami Vice are not bad. The only problem with them is that you can't move. To shoot you have to hold down a button to aim your gun, you will see a laser pointing at where u will shoot, then your anologue controls where u shoot, so you can't move. Since there is no crosshairs, in close up combat it is hard to aim at your enemies. Also if there is no wall behind your enemies (like if theres water or horizon) then you wont even be able to see where your aiming. The main issue is: i boght the game last night and I beat it already. Although i was on easy, and there are three difficulties, it ended very suddenly. You can by 6 drugs from drug dealers, but 3 of them seem to have no point in the whole game, you never buy, or sell. I had fun playing it and i will probably play it again.