Maimi Vice gets an A for affect but needed more time in development to make the grade.
Miami Vice on the PSP is a real surprise and a welcome treat. Graphic are on par with most PSP games. The game soundtrack is the usually action game mix, there are some cool voice overs in the game's story, but the A.I. during the main game usually only say a few lines over and over again. Controls are a real treat especially if you're a fan of the controls in RE4, while I was looking for something more like Syphon Filter on the PSP, the control style of the game really fits the gameplay. Oh and speaking of the gameplay just think of a mix between Kill Switch(ps2), and RE4(gc/ps2).
While the main plot of the game is to take down drug dealers and build you rep in the process, the way you do this a mix bag of Kill Switch's run and cover system with RE4 Stop Aim and shoot control, does it work.......... Yes! But the downside is the A.I. tends to be stupid, yes they run for cover, call for back up, but they never seem to try and rush you or even surround you making for some easy kills. But dont get me wrong this in no way means you should always try to just rush them, since a few will placed shotgun blast will deplete you armor fast.
The story is good, the overall gameplay is good, multi-player co-op is a real plus ( I wish it could be done using game sharing), there are some fun mini games. The Drug Baron one is the most interesting, you enter into a drug deal that can end in one of three ways, a success you sale your goods for cash and get a rep bonus (the higher your rep the better), no sale either you cant even talk your way past the bodyguards or the dealer rejects your offer and takes your goods, and finally you are forced to take out the Barron. Then there's the drug trade game, buy and sell drugs to increase cash, and finally there's the hacking game that let you unlock the ability to either buy weapon upgrades or find the location of Drug Barons.
Overall Miami Vice on the PSP is a fun game that's worth a look, hopefully developers will look at this game and build on it in the future, oh and as for a movie tie in game this is really good!