***Don't believe the hype!***The other user reviews threw me off, just trying to help anyone save their money.

User Rating: 4.6 | Miami Vice: The Game PSP
Some user reviews have mentioned GTA VC, kill.switch, even RE 4! The hype was loud, and i bought in. I was disappointed in the first thirty minutes of the game. It starts with horrible cinematics that look straight out of the NARC game for PS2. The graphics showed no ambition; very weak. Some cinematics and the audio cuts in late. Ferrell and Foxx DO NOT do the voice-overs, and the enemy voice-overs are even worse. It seems as though they dubbed over a group of people who do the worst Tony Montana and Shaggy (the reggae rapper) impersonations. The enemy AI is OK, but that's only because they fumble around like idiots from side to side, making it hard to aim in dark rooms, or out in a hazy, orange miami sunset. The game is annoying, my regret is not renting it first, or buying it used so that i could've returned it. The controls, they're playable, but weak. They don't even come close to a "Syphon Filter", "GTA LC", or a "SOCOM FTB". The aiming DOES mimic RE 4's, but the small, fun part is quickly over-shadowed by bad graphics, annoying AI and voice-over's, a dumb plot which is making me question the movie; you would think the game would have an over-all Michael Mann feel to it, it doesn't.