Great title if a little too short.
User Rating: 8.3 | Miami Vice: The Game PSP
Miami Vice shows that good solid gameplay and innovation can save a title from its flaws. Yes; the game is far too short, yes; the levels are linear and identical in objective and yes; the speedboat levels are absolutely pointless but this is immaterial when compared against the stunning visuals, flawless control system, the best gun sounds around and highly innovative mini-games (be prepared for lots of swearing at the Hacking mini-game). To say that releasing this title on the PSP was a misfire is an understatement. This game is crammed with superb ideas which only a powerful console and a minimum 20 hours of extra content could have done justice. With a deeper story more more mission variety this would be "the" must-buy PSP shooter but, sadly, it missed the mark. You'll buy it, you'll love it, you'll sell it... all in the one day. 10/10 for innovation, 6/10 for execution. A crying shame.