MAKE NO MISTAKE....this is a game made exclusively for the adult male who owns a PSP, and it scores big in many ways.
Many points that I will try to make brief: This is a game about fighting the drug trade in Miami playing as either Crockett or Tubbs, the same under cover do-gooder's from the Miami Vice television series. Miami Vice the game is an adult game, with adult content, done very well. First, if you play this game, you'll find out what a drug pusher from Miami sounds like when bullets are flying over his head. True, much of the voice acting is repeated, but they are all done with such real-life style that they don't get old. To me those Hispanic and red-neck shouts sound pretty darn convincing with just the right amount of accent and attitude.
This game is 100% proof that a shooter can work on the PSP. Perfect camera useage makes it work (the same camera borrowed from RE4). The PSP's lone analog nub does the job here. Movement is fluid and you always have a good line of sight while running or shooting. There is a fantastic "duck & cover" mechanic used in this game that is both easy to utilize....and - it's extremely fun to see it play out on the screen as your character moves in and around all sorts of cover. The controls in general are buttery smooth. The player can do all that is necessary with simple button touches and the game responds perfectly. The simplistic controls found in this game allow you to play naturally without having to think about what control you need to implement. Kudos to the game maker for this control layout.
I can't go any further without touching on the area of the game that was most impresive by far --- this being the use, feel, look and response of the weapons. The weapon selection is perfect with no weapon that is too unrealistic. Laser sighting is used (aka: RE4) and this seems to be a large part of the answer on how precice aiming can be achieved on the PSP. Each weapon looks great and fires with loud, authentic sounds. Hit detection is good with smoke, spark and particles flying about. When a bullet almost nails you and hits the wall you're standing behind, that's exactly how the games makes it feel. Like you're luck y to still be standing. Camera often under utilized effect on the PSP, is used in this game brilliantly. In short, I truly felt like I was in close-quarters shoot outs when playing this game. The three boat-chase levels merely serve as a change of pace. They work...but are nothing special. Graphics and over-all looks and effects are far above average, but not superb. The maps are well laid out and even though the paths are linear, I personally don't have any problems with that. I like to PROGRESS -not - GUESS. Blood effects are almost perfectly accomplished...and in a shooting game like this is which is geared to the adult audience...I think they need to be in there. I've not mentioned many problems yet, but here is a significant one: Overall, the game is dark....too dark. You can see it, you can play it, it is immersive and some of the lighting fits the scene well.....but in many areas it's too dark for it's own good. In reality, PSP games need to be bright, partly to make up for the limitations of it's own brightness controls and also because PSP games tend to be played anywhere but in dark rooms. With a brighter look, this game's graphics approach perfect for the PSP.
Presentation is very cool and smart. An airial map of Miami allows the player to zoom into parts of Miami where necessary in order to deal some confiscated drugs (where you make quick cash to buy weapons and armour), barter for intelligence from a local snitch, hack into computers for more info and even save your game progress. Everything looks nice. Regarding the "hacking" mini-game.....this side detour is an added feature that plays well enough, but could have been done a little smarter in a way that fits the overall scheme of the game.
The basic game play is chasing after Miami riff-raff, knocking them out or shooting them dead, confiscating their drug stashes and then dealing those drugs back into the market place for cash. I'm definitely down with all of that.
This game is done well, and for once...I agree with the Gamespot review. I would have even raised the whole score another point or so. Miami Vice the game is suprisingly immersive for a hand held and the soundtrack is loud, modern and awesome. The background music really sets up some nice intense moments.
If you're a shooter fan, this game is very enjoyable.