Drugs and Guns...Miami Vice
Well, its not that bad
When you start the game, you can choose playing as Crocket or Tubbs. They are actually the same, just different appearance.
Every mission in the game is mostly the same. You start at a point in the map, and shoot all the way to the other end. In your way, there will be drugs to pick for you to sell later, and some first aids and ammos for refill. The map is single way, so it is almost impossible to get lost.
Between each mission, you will have 16 days to spend and do some side mission. You can sell drugs to drugs dealer or baron to earn cash, and then use the cash for upgrades. Each visit to the dealer will cost 1 day, so you will need to plan your way ahead. Besides these, there is a mini game which you hack into the police station computer to earn some information or upgrades. the mini game is quite fun. You control a triangle and charge and explode the "firewalls" arround to collect some "data". It could be difficult at the first time, but once you get the method, its just a piece of cake.
The graphic in this game is suprisingly good. At least, there are not many good looking games I have seen for PSP so far. Both Crocket and Tubbs figures are wellly made. The bad part of the figures is that their mouth never move when they talk, which is quite weird. Also, the enemies look very similar with just arround 4 or 5 variation. However, its still good overall.
The control is just a copy from Resident Evil 4, which still do the job in this game. However, I have to stress that PSP's analogue stick just doesnt feel good. And it is sometimes quite difficult to aim since the analogue stick is just a pain.(maybe its my own problem though..) But if you have played RE4 before(which I have), you'll simply get into the game real quick.
The sound of this game is quite disappointing though. Firstly, the voice act is good, but eh, its still not Farrel and Foxx, which just feel weird if you have seen the movie. Secondly, the enemy only have a few dialogue, no more than " I'll kill you", "Oh, he got me" "Are youtry ing to run?", the repetition could be quite annoying. Finally, the background music is alright, but not the best. They should at least put some music from the movie into the game, like " Who are you" which was kept playing in the movie.
Miami Vice : The game is not really that bad like everyone said. The graphic is one of the best for me, the control is smooth. Although the sound isnt that great, it could still be overcome by the game play. If you like the Shooting style of RE4 or like Miami Vice the movie itself, this game does worth a shot.
P.S. My first review : ]