Even though you can't save, it's still very fun and portrays Mickey's earlier comics well.
The Good:
-Lets you play levels that are very much like the original cartoons
-Humorous, Cute, and sometimes Challenging
-Black and White Environments
-2D Side-Scrolling works very well
The Bad:
-You are unable to save
-Difficulty Level is high for a game aimed at children
-Only 3 Lives
In this game, you cannot save your game and that can be frustrating if you get to the last levels with 1 life left and die. In this case, you would have to restart the game with 3 lives at level one, Steamboat Willie, which , I believe, was one of the first ever Mickey Cartoons. The portrayasl of this level is done brilliantly, and it changes from black and white to color mid-level. Even though you can't save, it's still very fun and portrays Mickey's earlier comics well.
Overall, 7/10