Anyone else think Mickey looks evil on the cover?
You play as Mickey, going through all his classic cartoons, with no explanation why or how. You can throw marbles to kill bad guys, or jump on them, which ever makes you feel more manly. You can also push things. But, despite this complete lack of abilities, it's simple, pick up and play fun, and that's what it's designed to be. The game is fairly easy, except for the last level, which can only be unlocked after playing through on Normal, which is frustrating as there are no save options or passwords, which makes finishing the game a chore.
The game looks phenomenal, as it really does feel like you're playing through a cartoon. Everything is bright, and Disney-esque, and you'll recognise different characters, and even find Mickey somewhere in each level along the way, which is actually totally pointless. In fact, most stuff is completely pointless, but anyway... The sound work is cool, there is some excellent music, but the sound effects, could have used a bit more variety.
Overall, this is a kiddy game, which I played as a kiddy, but still holds up if you're up for a bit of nostalgia.