A game that's too goody good.
Learning Curve: 15 Minutes
Score: 5 out of 10
Oh god, I can't belive I'm actually going to review this game but that's my job I review the games that suck so you don't have to play them hell even buy them if you ever come across them. There are alot of child games for the NES but one of them really reeks of kiddyness and that's Mickey Mousecapade I originally played this at my cousins house than later on down the road got it for my collection (No I haven't played it since I first saw it at my cousins house) in this game you play as Mickey Mouse who goes stage to stage to collect treasures and of couse what would a Disney Based game be without Mickey's Counterpart thats right Minny Mouse is.......hold on I need to comment on this, what the **** kind of name is Minny? I've never seen anyone named Minny besides this cheese eating rodent why couldn't they give her a name that actually exists? Hell how about......Mimi that's right Mimi Mouse sounds more vocally palitable than ****ing Minny. Enough of my idea of what I think is good and what isn't back onto the review I can only remember alittle bit about this game it seems that the levels will change in layouts what I mean is that level one is a funhouse if I remember right where the screen is broken up between 3 floors so your either moving up or down between floors. Than the next level is on the beach which is a sidescroller, see what I'm saying? hell if you don't I don't blame you I freaking don't understand most of the **** that comes out of my mouth anyway. What I remember is mostly the first stage and the second stage....also if I remember right you also play a level that's based in the forrest and one that's on a pirate ship....thats all I can really remember. Meanwhile back onto the first stage one thing that really pisses me off is your trying to get out of the ****ing funhouse that's the goal or objective if your a freaking smart ass in who picks their words to sound intelligant I could care less otherwise. But one of the parts of the first level is you shoot open a window to get a free life, why not just freaking escape that way? I mean hello you see ****ing sunlight why not leave? (and don't be a smartass and say well it's just a window they are about half the size of that freaking window!) I was only 7 when this game came out and I remember litterly asking my cousin Mike "Hey why not leave though here?" and he thought it was a good question, he never thought of it till than I guess thats why I'm a ****ing rocket scientest when it comes to games, I think about crazy **** I guess. From what I remember each level has a boss on it like the first level was the witch from some freaking Disney movie I can't remember hell almost 99.975% had a freaking witch, now that I think about it maybe the Local Witches union 9175 should lodge a complaint I hear they don't take **** from anyone. Besides Bosses you have lame incarnations of lower no named characters in the movies to play the "bad guys" like level one had those ****ing dancing mops from what I think was Fantasia as I said I'm 26 years old I prefer my movies have T and A in them. Not ****ing dancing MOPS! In the beach level the boss was that ****ing fat Crocadile or Alligator (I can't freaking remember the difference between them) from Peter Pan and get this his weapon is he shoots bubbles from his mouth? I understand it's just a game but how about make the game alittle realistic that damn crawling suitcase was on it's hindlegs I mean come on when the **** did you ever go to the zoo and see a Alligator or Crocadile walk on it's back legs? YOU HAVEN'T hell wny not make the even more unbelivable and have it sing "Hello my Honey Hello my Rag Time Lover" And what about the ****ing Bubbles? you never seen that animal shoot bubbles in real life unless it's a member of the rainbow coalition...... If I had my choice to make this game realistic here is what I would have done the ****ing Mice would walk over to the Alligator or Crocadile and that ****ing animal would have bitten their heads off and blood would be gushing from their now headless bodies, than the game would have ended now thats what I call a ****ing game, 2 levels and it ends in blood can't be more american than that. Now onto the weapons that I remember that your character uses I can only remember one if that was the only one or not I don't remember because upon playing this game 20 years ago I think it fried a part of my brain but you shoot Stars thats right you shoot stars now lets compare another ****y game that I'm going to review soon lets talk about the Rambo game for the NES although that game sucks it had actual weapons Greanades, Daggers, Machine Guns, Exploding Arrows. It also used Flying Dagers but I personally think that Rambo was a clone of the second Zelda game for the NES but I'll get onto that in my Rambo Review. But what I'm saying is if a ****y game like that can stick close to reality with the weapons why couldn't they give Micky a freaking Bow and Arrow? (now I know what your going to say, Yes I do I'm Jeff and I know what everyone thinks I even happen to know that I'm the next best thing since bread when it comes to women. But the animated Robin Hood movie from Disney Robin Hood used a Bow and Arrow so it's possible that another Disney character could) But that's the only weapon Mickey uses that I remember. Now lets talk about that useless lump of ****ing walking fur known as Minny Mouse from what I saw and remember from before was she did nothing! I mean it, she did nothing all she would do was ****ing walk behind Mickey and shoot her star if Mickey fired his, it's about as annoying as that ****ing powerup in the Silver Surfer NES game (Review comming soon) and to top it off I don't think the game makers gave her any ****ing AI at all! I mean she jumps if Mickey Jumps she ****ing climbs when Micky ****ing climbs I mean come on isn't there anything this freaking rodent can do except mimic Mickey? I mean what the freaking kind of sign is for females? It's ok to only do what the male does? And to top it off if your climing on the ladder and you get to the top and shes behind you if you jump she gets off the ladder and guess what? you have to try and navigate this freaking tard of a Mouse to get back with you. And it's because of that and the fact that the game just doesn't make any sense it gets a freaking 5 out of 10 it would have gotten less but the animation was passable for it being a freaking NES game. So if you see this game I suggest you avoid it like the ****ing plague.