Really, Really, REALLY easy

User Rating: 6 | Mickey's Ultimate Challenge GEN
This game is quite possibly the easiest video game ever to come into existence. Even on the hardest difficulty, it's too easy.
The graphics are actually very strong on this one. The palette is rich and colorful, and anyone who says Genesis can't do colors needs to watch this one and be proven wrong. The animation is fluid, and the game looks cute. It's a child's game, and it looks like a Mickey cartoon.
The audio is cute and charming, again, it's a kids game. The music is repetitive, and kinda boring, but it's something from a child's game or movie. It's adequate.
The gameplay is very, very boring, and the game takes about 20 minutes, on the hardest difficulty, which I suggest jumping straight to. The only factor I could see playing in to this is that young children, who this is made for, are terrible at video games and only have half an hour to play before Mommy and Daddy say it rots their innocent brains.
Basically, if you have a little kid, and a Genesis, and you think Sonic's too extreme for them, get this. Otherwise, buy a game with a bit of challenge.