Could a game get any better?
User Rating: 10 | Microsoft Flight Simulator 9 PC
Gosh, you can't start to appreciate what this game has to offer! What kind of plane do you like? do you like jets,props,doubleprops? Whatever you like this game has it! boeings 747 777 737! The most amazing feature in this game is it has every single airport known to man in every city state country continent hemisphere world YOU GET THE POINT! do you live in a dinky city where the only thing that is close to an airport is a dirt runway? its got those too! I cant even begin to tell you about the scenery! its truely beatifull im crakin up here while im writing this its so beautifull! I love going to the grand canyon! But my personall favorite is NASA it has the launch pads complete with a shuttle on one of them! and yes it even has the assembley building! But what i found most amazing about NASA is when i went there last summer and i could find the dirt road i followed to get to the assembely building amazing! You can even land on the 2 mile long runway!!! But do note that this game takes practice learning about all of the little buttons but ther are plenty tutorials to help you there! And once you get bored of it witch i doubt you ever will you can buy add-on packs! With new planes and scenery and stuff! you can also down load add-ons online! BUY BUY BUY THIS GAME!!!!! why am i typing this? I gonna go play FS right now bye!