Very disapointing.

User Rating: 4.4 | Microsoft Flight Simulator X PC
After all the hype for this version expectations might have been high, but even with that this falls far short of the mark. The new super graphics require such a high end system that to take advantage of them you'll need a cutting edge system far above what is needed for every other game on the market. When graphics are turned down to provide usable frame rates they are no better and in fact at times worse then the previous version. The missions are mostly childish or tutorials with only a few real missions, which was promoted as one of the new features of this version. The new dynamic traffic is really good, with moving cars, boats, aircraft, everything bringing the world to life. The weather effects are another good point here, with pools of water on the road in the rain. If they had only added these two items and kept all else the same as in Flight Simulator 2004 this would have earned a good review. As it is they greatly reduced the playability from the prior version with only a few positive additions. This one may be worth revisiting later on but as it stands now this is a pass.