After flying Flight Simulator for the last 20 years, is there anything left in the tank?
Microsoft has made the latest version even more so, and now it’s Windows Vista compatibly.
Personally I don’t really see that much difference in this version then the last one, if you spend extra money you will get a few extra features, and a few more planes, but again, both you’ll be able to probably get for from for the millions of downloadable site. Don’t get me wrong, this is an awesome flight simulator, and will please most of the hard core fans out there, I just don’t see that much more that I needed to shell out $60 for. That’s, to me, has been the problem with this series for a while now, there hasn’t been that much more added to the series. The graphics are better, and you do have a lot going on the world around you, but when you are at 20,000 feet, I’m not sure all that other stuff really matters. One thing for sure, if you don’t have one of the newer computers, you need not apply, because this game is a system hog. Almost too much of one, even on my pretty high end machine, it ran pretty bad, to a point that I had to turn down a bunch of stuff, making the game no better looking then the last version. I really think the problem is that, the game has pretty much run its course, and maybe need new blood to bring something new to the game. Don’t get me wrong, this is still a amazing game, and I’m enjoying it, but I just don’t think it’s giving enough back to merit spending that kind of money each time.