I dont want a ''free to play'' **** game!!!!! I want to fly with the real IFR rules to anywhere whenever i want!!
I mean the engine is smooth as my chest without hair and it looks good too!!
The planes feel ok and the landscapes are nice.
But Microsoft WY THE HELL did you give me a free to play game with nothing!
I spent more then 200 euro's on FSX for extra content but i dont think i am going to do that with this game.
Just let Aerosoft,ORBX,Flight1 and PMDG make the addons then i will pay for it.
Microsoft Flight in my opinion is not a flight sim.
I dont like the **** heading bar and i dont like the stall warning bar.
As the same of my speed.
I want to look at my instruments.
I just want the REAL flying experience.
I waited so long for this game for NOTHING!
Lets hope some other publisher wil make a good flight sim.
Xplane needs still alott of work...they need to get their **** together.
And MS Flight is already history.
So there is big hole in the market right??
m finished talking!!
I am going to play FSX and fly to where ever i want!