1 word..... PERFECT
at first it seems veery borring with not so much money, but once you get going its AWSOME
i have personly completed the whole game
i have every car ane ther all maxed out there is a verry good verity of cars and tune ups but the only thing i dont like is the really fast cars you cant tune up
but still that dosent mater
they did a great job on making the citys they did the graphics gratly
there are manny objects to hit.... and i like the spcial cars and raps in races
but i dont like the fact that all the cars are the same only buses and vans are diferent
they also did good on the CPU oponets
they dont get stuck in the ground or slam up on walls
they are verry life like
the make your own race tool is verry good
almost all areas you can use
also your stats are ausome i have 120,000 miles pluse driven
and around 1 million cars hit this is one admaving gam i say