Good Game, Exelent Gameplay, Amazing Graphics, Long Loads.
This is no less true on the PSP, although the graphics were dimmed down a little to fit onto the PSP, it retains it's amazing racing and emphasison high speeds. The controlls were directly ported, and only a few features are different than the originals. No new additions were made to the racers, or cars, however a new mode has been added to the PSP's best racer. Ad Hoc wireless play. Although it loses the online play, which is a dissapointment, it makes up for it in the multiple Ad Hoc multiplayer modes. Everything from Racing, to Tag, to just plain cruising are included.
The game's only downfall is the long loads. With the graphics only slightly toned down, and gameplay no less lagging than the original console versions, the load times can be upwards of 3 minutes, sometimes sending it into sleep mode! My only other complaint is the Hydrolics. in the PS2 versions, the four shoulder buttons controlled a seprate tire, however, with only 2 shoulder buttons, the car can only move from left to right, L covering Left front and back and R covering Right front and back.
Overall, I'd have to say the game is defedantly a buy for racing fans, however only play it if you're going to devote a loit of time or are ready to wait for the lengthy loads.