This game is so fast, we had to slow it down a bit!!!

User Rating: 8.4 | Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition XBOX

I have had the game a week and i havnt put the controller down(except to eat and to use the bathroom)and im only 13 percent through the game ive made my own car gave it nitrous and spoilers and pimped it out and it only cost 6 thousant pound.There are loads of things to do you can race(obviousy)or you can just cruise around the the city.Or if your feeling dangerous go around the city on nitrous and if thats not enough go around the city on nitrous on two wheels.Or again if thats not enough you can stay parked listening to your favourite Bands and singers such as Ash,jimmy eat World,50 cent,the game,the rat pakk and every song you like or have just burnt on.

Every game has to have something that you could never do in real life and for this game its special moves.special moves are moves that end the race so quick that you would have to watch the race in extra slow motion to see whats going on.The special moves include Agro which turns you car into a super fast bulldoser which ploughs through traffic like it was never there.Drift which turns the surrounding area into slow motion but you can still go 100 miles an hour and also makes it easy to drift around corners.In air control which allows you to do a veriaty of tricks while in mid air.Nitrous Boost which obviously allows you to o over 200 miles per hour.And much much more special moves but i havnt unlocked them yet.

And unlike some games you can start with decent cars such as the Chevy Impala,Monte Carlo,Dodge Neon, Mitsubishi Eclipse,Volkswagen Golf or the Volkswagen Jetta. So now theres no need to complane about the start being to hard or you dont start with decent cars.

Or if your in the mood create your own race in Race Editor.If you were in the mood you could make the longest race known to man or even the shortest race known to man or make a race only for motorbikes or make a race only for Eclipse's theres a race for every mood

The two player will keep you going for hours and hours and hours because you could both go in cruise or you's could have a race (including races you have made in TRace Editor)or you's could have a game of Capture the flag or go head to head in Paint or test each others skills in Tag or have a game of Frenzy see who could survive longest with out crashing into a car.And while your at it have a ordered race which is simular to a normal race or have a Unordered
race where there are a siries of checkpoints which you could cross in any order but the first to pass all the chechpoints first wins.

There are also power ups and no i dont mean power ups like getting out of your car with a rocket luncher no i mean power ups like electrocute your fellow racers and turn them into ice and turning yourself invisible.

And when you are feeling a bit sick of doing intense races, which i must say takes a while. You can always just cruise round the cities crashing into ever car on the road. (even though this is Mid Night Club 3 not Burnout) Or simply see how fast you can go around a 300 degree turn. All while listening to Ash Meltdown, an as the song goes at this rate " my head is gunna explode".