Good for the short-term
The previews about the game of course made it sound better then it turned out(kinda like GTA4).The old adage of 'don't believe the hype' rings true.
The game offers nothing new,it has all been done before.It reminds me a lot of N4S Most Wanted .The traffic in this game is the most frustrating aspect ,there's way too many cars and other obstacles.The frustration peaks when you have a head-on crash and almost 100% of the time you'd end up facing back in the opposite direction.
The things I do like about the game-
-Nice zooming map effect
-Very good customization
-Good soundtrack
The game is worth renting just to see what its all about.Its kinda good but it frustrates the crap out of me,and its a little repetative and 1 dimensional.Find a race ,race.Find another race, on and so forth.
Its challenging ,the racing is fast and furious,but overly the game isn't the money.7/10