For people who want to buy Midnight Club Los Angeles
User Rating: 7.5 | Midnight Club: Los Angeles X360
I recently rented Midnight Club Los Angeles cos i wasnt sure whether to buy it or not, and the truth is I'm glad i rented it. It has got some of the best graphics I've seen on a racing game but other than that the racing is not the best. Whilst drifting around corners its like your racing on a muddy off-road. The outcome is usually pathetic because i was driving in a Chevrolet Camaro ( a fast muscle car for the beginning of the game ), but the point is i was racing that car against a ford Focus ( and my car was upgraded a lot ) but for some reason the opponents car is always faster and the only way to beat them is to be more or less a drift king ;) or by finding hidden routes. But when you win the car from them it is one of the slowest cars to use :P. Plus whenever there is a police car around you must drive as 'carefully' as possible and when they do chase you, you just cant be bothered to drive from them cos it is just wasted minutes of your life. The last bad thing i noticed while playing the game is the amount of money you get is just not enough :P because each race is 'seriously' long as they are always mostly tournaments with 3 legs/stretches ( legs/stretches = races ).
Now the pointers for you people who like it or are 'definitely' getting it because that was just my opinion. The graphics are brilliant ;) you can see a lot of detail on your car and when your driving around in the night through the brightly lit streets of Los Angeles your car looks amazing with all the light reflecting off it and giving it that graphic edge. When your customizing your car you will love every detail on it ranging from the exterior of your car and vinyls etc to even customizing you interior with the seats and steering wheel and even changing the colour of the interior. Well thats all I can think of right now but I'm sure there is more that the true fans of MCLA will know :).
And i gave this game a 7.5 because of the reasons i mentioned, and because i prefer the type of racing games with proper race tracks where no stupid public driving cars go.