The game has aged, however If your a hardcore racing fan, get this game.
Challenging racing, however there could of been alot more to this game, it's simply a game that offers checkpoints runs which is lay across the city. Most of the time, in order and sometimes races that can offer you anytime checkpoints.
This was considered to be one of the launch titles of the PS2, however it isn't so bad. The graphics for it's days were the best. Two large cities really does show it's detail and also the car models are good. Driving around London can be a bit brizzare as some courses are littled with double decker buses, taxi and a mail van, a bit extreme to it's counterpart.
The game has shown it's age and sometimes you do wonder if the challenge was worth your time, however unless you really want to see everything the first Midnight Club had to offer and have the time to do it, I would recommend
My other flaw, is you will always end up racing and unlocking cars and the AI can be too good for it's own good, regardless of what race you'll be taking part in and it's can be unforgiving... which is why I would recommend this game to the most hardcore of fan.