Plays like the original Driver, but seems a little bit recycled.

User Rating: 6.8 | Midtown Madness 3 XBOX
Midtown Madness 3 was a fun game while it lasted, but it seem slike I've played it before. Oh right, I forgot it plays just like the orignal Driver on PS1. You can't get out of your car, the graphics are sub-par for the system, and there are simple cop chases, but it's still fun none the less.

Thats not saying what Driver did for the Playstation, Midtown Madness 3 will do to the Xbox though. MM3 remains an average game and shouldn't be looked upon as a gem of any kind.

Some cars move far to slow while others are fast. With all the twists and turns in the huge spread out levels, I would've hoped for better turning but it does have eaier to handle turning than other racing games.

The graphics are prettty detailed and the city's are huge and they nailed the seasons and weather features, and the cars look great but som of the games sequences can get ugly.

Online play is great and you can't miss out on it. It's fast, fun and intense and you can get this game pretty cheap now so if your in the mood for some good Xbox Live, give MM3 a try.