Great games, but most are easier to control when they are played on arcade machines.
User Rating: 7.8 | Midway Arcade Treasures 2 XBOX
I went out intending to buy Midway arcade treasures, only to find Midway arcade treasures 2. The first was no where to be found, so I decided to buy this. Overall, the games on here are great, and provide hours of entertainment, all though, The xbox controller just doesn't suit most of these games as well as the arcade controlls did. Midway Arcade Treasures 2 contains many games, including, Mortal Kombat II, Mortal Kombat III, Rampage World tour(Which I also had on my N64), Narc, Arch Rivals, Wizard of Wor and many more. I was a bit puzzelled as too why the original MK wasn't on here, as from what I heard, it isn't on the first Midway Arcade treasures, but II and III are great games. The graphics vary depending on the game you are playing. Some look like Space invaders, some look like SNES games, but these games were made with the technology they had at the time, so the lack of advanced graphics is excused immediatly, and the graphics look good anyway. Now look good, and having good graphics are different, but that's not the point. The sound also varies from beaps to well done sound effects, and you couldn't imagine any other sound effects for the games. The games are all fun, but there are two problems with this game. firstly, as I mentioned above, the xbox controller is no where as good as arcade controlls for most of these games. I was able to play Rampage World tour easily, but that was because of the fact that I first played it on N64, with a console controller. Other games like Arch Rivals I find easier to play then in an arcade, but games such as the Mortal Kombat II and III just aren't as good. But, the xbox controller still allows you to have fun with these games. The other problem, is some of the games. Games such as Pit fighter, just are not fun. But, all the good games make up for this. Replay value also isn't fantastic, but you will have fun with the time you spend playing most of these games. Midway Arcade Treasures 2 is a great collection of classic Arcade games, and well worth owning.