Delivers What It Promises.
There are 21 different playable games, which is definitely a plus. The very idea of a collection of arcade games is ideal for a portable system. Many of these games were designed to be enjoyed in bite-sized chunks, and this carries over to the PSP.
The graphics are not very good by modern standards, but they are almost perfect replicas of the original appearances. This adds to the atmosphere and feel of the arcade collection. Some people have complained about aspect ratios when converting the original games to the PSP’s widescreen format. I think this is entirely too picky. If you want a perfect version of Joust, you have to buy an actual arcade cabinet. Given that these are the only two options, I am more than happy with the way the games turned out.
I have also seen some complaints about sound. I actually lived through the original arcade craze, and never once heard anyone mention the way an arcade game sounded. The games were all crammed together, so you actually heard the arcade as much as the game you were playing, and it was hard to determine if blips and beeps were coming from your machine or your neighbors. If the music and effects seem tinny or weak, that’s how the originals sounded. In my opinion, gamers who care about the music and sounds have gotten spoiled to newer technologies and have forgotten their roots.
The Mortal Kombats are definitely the bread and butter of this collection. I found the translation to be highly accurate, with the same combos that I still remember. While some MK purists find their reasons to knock this title, those of us who enjoy the games casually should be able to appreciate these offerings. This collection doesn’t offer anything new, but then again it never claimed to.
All of the games feel like they did the arcade. This is both good and bad. I personally was never all that good at arcade games, which is why I fell in love with home consoles. These titles are as difficult as you remember. Some people with perfect reflexes may think otherwise, but many of the games on this UMD can be frustratingly difficult. I do feel that the title suffers from players not being given a chance to select or alter difficulty.
All in all, this is 21 games for $29.99. I recommend it to any fan of early arcade games, or people who play their PSP in short sittings. This game delivers what it promises, so gamers who are looking for a 1985-1995 handheld arcade should be perfectly satisfied.