Virtually ALL of the games play exactly the way they should.
Obviously, buying arcade versions of these games is beyond any normal persons finances. It was very cool to get this many excellent arcade games on one DVD, and for such a low price.
GRAPHICS: 10 out of 10 Having played almost all of these games in the arcade, even Defender II when it was called Stargate, I can't find anything wrong with them. The TV doesn't seem as colorful as the arcade screen, but the games look exactly like they did in the arcade.
PLAYABILITY: 10 out of 10 Some people complain about the games being too difficult. Well, they are difficult. Watch the bonus interview for Defender which is on this DVD and you'll understand why they were high skill games. That was the beauty of the arcade, baybee. As far as I can see, Midway has done an excellent job of translating the playability of these games. they seem exactly like the arcade versions to me.
STORY: 8 out of 10 The approach I'm taking with this is that Midway actually provided all kinds of cool information about the making of these games, including interviews with some of the developers who made them. Each title at the "game select" screen has a "bonus" option which allows you to look at extra material.
REPLAY: 9 out of 10 For a guy like me, who loves the old school arcade, this game and others like it are a gold mine. I will never stop playing this. For others, they may tire of the high skill challenge, yet there is a wide variety of games on this compilation to master , and different ways to master them. For instance, playing Gauntlet as the Elf is different than playing as the Warrior.
OVERALL: 10 out of 10 Many people, when playing old school arcade, tend to compare them to today's games, which is fundamentally flawed for at least two reasons.
First off, of course the graphics don't compare. I can't believe this even comes up, but it does.
Secondly, of course these games are difficult. They were intended to make money quickly, and the designers didn't want someone playing for 90 minutes, then saving their game to start up again at the same spot tomorrow. If you want to play FF XI or Halo, then turn on your PS2 or Xbox.
If you want a REAL challenge, try playing Sinistar.
Third, some of the old school games, like Spyhunter, had custom cabinets shaped like cars, planes etc. which made them easier to play. Of course, they'll play differently on a home console.
Overall, I feel MAT has one of the most balanced and representative game lineups of any old school compilation.