Amazing puzzle system, M&M world, but not balanced.
1) Great puzzle system. Units with different strengths in a color coded puzzle games works great.
2) Faction Variations: Having units strength vary, units special ability or combat effects vary make playing each faction very unique.
1 unit jumps over the wall, the other heals the player while waiting, etc.
3) Relics: You get all unique relics with each faction. None share. Again making each faction very unique. Good/bad thing you can only equip 1 relic. So its cool to choose a relic that fits your play style or favorite unit.
4)M&M world: You will see and play as major characters about 20 years before HOMM5.
5) Some battles have different objectives. Like hitting only 1 target instead of the AI player. Or a puzzle system where you got only 1 turn to kill everyone
6) Multiplayer- You can play online or head-to-head or play a 2v2 game. Which is great fun.
7)RPG: Your character and your units level up
1) Very direct game- Their idea of "hidden" is taking 3 steps off to the left. Nothing is really hidden
2)Story was alright, but you can tell it wasnt their main attention. as there isnt much to do or consider outside of combat. Though it can be a funny game at times
3) Unbalanced- Some relics offer the most obvious powerful skills. This can make playing online very un-fun, as they can own you.
4) Powerful units- I like how you can have 100 life, and some units do about 8-20 in a few turns. But the more powerful units who only have to wait about 1-2 turns more can do about 150 damage. This is almost the instant win.
Overall im sure fans of HOMM and non fans will enjoy this game. Its a brain teaser and always a blast to play against someone or play a new faction. I hope there is a second game, with more focus on things to do outside of combat.