One of my best RPG experiences, this old-schooler rocks!

User Rating: 9 | Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven PC
This and the Heroes of Might and Magic series made me a fan of 3DO games instantly. Might and Magic VI was my first of the series and it rocked my little world. I never knew 3D sprites would be so cool! Well, deep in my inner senses, they look like crap even at that time, but the innovative (4-characters) gameplay mechanism and the fantastic hidden-secrets-ridden world are so inventive that nothing else matters. This translates to a true classic.

For those unacquainted to the style of Might and Magic, you may realise a steep learning curve for this game as you find yourself helpless against bats and goblins in your first step into the world of Enroth. Well, it took me long to find out that bolts and arrows are the staple diet for most enemies you met for the first quarter of the game, ha, a tip from a friend. Ok, equip four bows...there you go, now let's go up the tavern and whoa! Where am I? Dragons?! Aren't I supposed to be too early to fight dragons now?! There it is, this game holds lots of surprises and promotes exploring, experimentation and chit-chatting with gaming friends.

It's something like an old-school Oblivion from the Elder Scroll series, though with 4 characters instead of one, yet it still plays from a first-person perspective, which is strangely interesting at that time. Again, it may look downright sucky now, but for those who have seen or experienced how the game works, they will understand the might and magic contained in Might and Magic VI. (No, I'm not cheesy, I just want to make a point.)
