Might & Magic 7 is a good game with a great story line & a bunch of different characters and choices to add depth to it.
User Rating: 8.9 | Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor PC
Might & Magic 7 for blood and honour is, I think one of 1999's best RPG's. Sure the graphics really bite now and weren't great 7 years ago either, but this game is great anyway. This game starts you out with a huge selection of character classes(theif, Knight, Ranger, druid. etc.) & 4 character races(human, goblin, elf, dwarf). Each class has different skills(armsmaster, sword, dark magic, Stealing, Perception, etc) & could be upgraded to better in or learn skills. Each class could also be upgraded twice, The second upgrade depending on if you choose to be good or bad.
If you decide to be good or bad about half way through the game.
over all it's just good and big and long