While this game is unusual compared to the rest in the series, Might and Magic 8 Day of The Destroyer will not dissapoint. A lot of fun lies In the party system, You start as a lone worrior on an island poulated by friendly lizard men and evil pirates. You meet party members along the way and once your party is full you can let them take a member take a break at an adventurers inn if you want someone else to join your 5 person party. The purpose of the game is to find the Destroyer an evil man who is trying to cause chaos around the world until it tears itself apart. to get to his realm you must travel though a crystel dungeon in the middle of an elven town. The problem is you dont have the key. There are 4 parts to the key that are hidden in 4 planes the plane of fir, water, air, and earth. once the key is together (whitch takes a LONG TIME) you will have to defeat immensly powerfull creatures to even find the place where the destroyers castle is whitch is a labrynth. Casual gamers will not like this game, It is WAY to hardcore, but everyone else will find an amazinf epic challange in this game. My only complaint is the graphics whitch are bad. But this game is a MUST GET!
Other Helpful Reviews for Might and Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer
3D0 hasn’t really done any improvements for MM8 so they have used the Might and Magic Engine from the previous ones and brought another story/battle to this well established series. The graphics are more or less the same... Read Full Review
This is one more 3do rpg that is great! Since I have started playing M&M games I fell in love with them. The game story is very cool. There is a bunch of side quests and missions you can take but you dont have too. There... Read Full Review