Harsh title, but whole heartedly deserved - Initially I had high hopes for MMX as I've been a long time fan of the series since the early 90s, but MMX makes me question the developers ideas because they simply do not work period. Some of the worst aspects are combat related, such as being locked into combat and no monsters are in the local area, a bug that STILL has not been fixed, this particular bug occurs because of the ridiculously decision to make the combat turn based, where as the previous games was all psedo-turn based meaning you could move your party/pause the game and attack. MMx locks you into a fight to the death once monsters reach a certain distance from your character, unfortunately I've had this bug out far too many times forcing a reload to a previous point to fix - not to mention this particular type of combat also punishes the players rather harshly against ranged monsters, because you sometimes can't move into melee range!! Absurd but true!! Honestly - the person who thought up this mechanic should be fired because its one of the serious gamebreaking issues MMx has.
If your a veteran of the MM series, you'll know that skill points are valuable but in previous games you had somewhat leeway into making some mistakes with your builds, MMx forces you into very specific builds and characters classes otherwise you could literally become stuck in game without the ability to progress either because of bosses being too difficult or some encounters completely overpowering your characters, so creating your party requires very careful planning and even more careful skill point allocation.
Another major problem MMx is balance, or lack off it. The balance problems are so bad that I don't think the game was ever playtested properly. Overall game difficulty is another issue as it wildly increases/decreases, for instance you don't know the level of any monsters and since they cut corners with monsters design (they just re-color) the difference in color of a monster could mean that you have your entire party one-shotted or you one-shot the monster. But for the most part, you'll die ALOT when exploring, so save literally before every encounter. Because a typical scenerio when exploring is...kill basic monsters...no problems...oh new monster!! Game Over...reload, avoid area until higher level, it happens far too often which makes me wonder if this development team ever played any of the original might and magic games...
I could write on and on about all the complaints and issues I have with this game, but this is one of those games you're either going to love it, or hate it. I just don't recommend this game to anyone who easily gets frustrated. It is also especially time consuming because MMx also suffers from excessive loading, with entering buildings/inns...loading...enter/leaving areas...more loading...entering dungeons/new floors...more loading.
Basically, This game needs to have the movement lock removed as that would solve many of the issues.