The show was horrible, but this movie/ show tie in was actually suprisingly good!

User Rating: 7.3 | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers SNES
Ok, now we should get some things out of the way: The TV show and movie was about as bad as you can get. When I played this game, I thought: This is the ET of the Super Nintendo. When I played it though, I was plesently suprised when I found out that it is actually one of the best... hell, it is the best beat em up on the Super Nintendo!
Now, I was slightly lying there: But it still is very solid, and it uses the movie licence to grab children in. There could be alot of improvements here and there, but as it is, the game is great, and if you even aren't a fan (like me) you should give it a rental if you like beat em ups.

+Very solid graphics.
+Levels are plenty long.
+Simple to learn, so it is a game for newbies. (not me!)
+An extremely good movie licenced game... +The soundtrack is actually pretty awesome.
- SoundFX are very average.
- Almost impossible to lose.
- It's power rangers.
- It didn't come out sooner.
- Enemies are brain dead and the gameplay is a bit repetitive.

Overall: 7.3/10
I don't like the licence, but the game is really good!