Everyone should own this game
User Rating: 9.8 | Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! NES
Way before Fight Night, there was Mike Tyson's Punch-Out! (Punch-Out was re-released later with the endboss Mr. Dream) This game is great and is a must buy for any game collector. I say this for our younger viewers because they might not have a whole lot of experience with NES games, and all older gamers like myself have played this game and all love it. I will say though, as a drawback, the Mike Tyson is near impossible to beat at the end of the game. Two hits and you are down. So like a lot of other NES games, this one was exceptionally difficult to master. The game play is so solid, and the control is tight and awesome. The characters are inspired and well animated. Truly one of the best looking games on the NES. Sound isn't great, but the music gets into your head and surprisingly adds drama to the fights. Particularly when you are knocked down, the music just makes you want to mash those buttons to give Little Mac just one more try. Truly a classic game, and that is thrown around way too much, but this game ranks in the Top 100 games ever made. Buy it if you can find it.