I want a nice clean fight, No low blows and No biting ears off. Ok, this is my all time favorite Boxing game of all time. Im going to give the back story of this game. You start out a young New comer, Name: Little Mac. It has always been your dream to be the Heavy Weight Champ. You have to work your way up the ranks. Minor Circuit: Glass Joe, Von Kaiser, Minor Title; Piston HondaMajor Circuit: Don Flamenco, King Hippo, Great Tiger, Major Title: Bald BullWorld Circuit: Piston Honda, Soda Popinski, Bald Bull, Don Flamenco, Mr Sandman, World Title: Super Macho Man.Dream Title: Mike TysonAs all ways this game also features Mario, go figure. He is the Ring Referee, isn't he everywhere. You will also have a Manager/Trainer/Corner man through the entirety of this game, Doc Lois, so listen to his advice. Controls are simple Left/right Jab, Left/Right Body Punch, and one heck of a uppercut. I still love this game to this day, lots of fun! Where else do you get to knock out Mike Tyson.
Other Helpful Reviews for Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
Back in 1987, there was a boxer who was terrorizing opponents in the ring as well as in pixelated form: Mike Tyson. Before he started biting people's ears off and breaking the law, Tyson was the most feared boxer out th... Read Full Review
I recently purchased Mike Tyson's Punchout from Amazon.com for about $12 which happens to be the best deal in gameing history in my humble opinion, I don't rememer what happened to my original copy purchased some 20 year... Read Full Review