Best Boxing Game Of All Time!!!

User Rating: 9.1 | Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! NES
Back in the days of the NES Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out was a legend. Many people played this game into the ground along with other classics such as Super Mario Brothers Three. Mike Tyson’s Punch-out was a masterpiece of it’s time. This game had graphics to rival anything else of its era. The music and sound effects were well made and memorable. The game play was amazing! In Mike Tyson’s Punch-out you could throw a low or high punch either left or right, dodge left or right, block and try for the super punch. That might not seem very amazing now, but back in the day when most games had only the option to move and jump this was quite an achievement. Best of all the game had strategy and skill based game play. Mike Tyson’s Punch-out was both fun to play and fun to watch, easily making it one of the best NES games out there. If you did not play Mike Tyson’s Punch-out back in its heyday you missed out on a true classic.