Though unfortunately Mike Tyson was replaced, the game still remains one of the best games of the NES console.

User Rating: 8.9 | Punch-Out!! NES
It sucks that Mike Tyson was swapped out, but regardless, this is THE best game to ever come out of the NES console excluding the Mario Bros. games. The gameplay is top notch quality and still remains extremely fun even after about 20 years. I'd even consider this game even more fun than the 60$ Fight Night Round 3. It's amazing how boxing games have taken a step down and have not evolved at all (besides graphics of course). The 8-bit soundtrack can be considered as memorable as any other high quality game today, and anyone who has played this game in the past will still recall its awesome music. If you haven't had the opportunity to play this game before, this is a must-buy, especially at the 5$ price.