First of all I would like to say that this game impressed me with one thing from the beginning, and that is its simplicity. I can admit that I love turn based strategy very much, but can't really have the patience to play all those hardcore games with all the calculations and the decisions and all those things. I always like the easy approach of games like this one, and I have to admit that this game grows on you and sometimes it makes you forget that 4 hours just passed. The graphics are nice and complete the game nicely, the AI acts very well to your moves, but excuse me if I say that sometimes I see the mistakes I make but the computer completely ignores them. I only played with no advantage for any of the sides (Axis or Allies duhhaa...) so I can't say if that may affect the difficulty of the game, but I doubt it. You can choose from 2 types of maps: the standard large one and a smaller version of it for fast paced game, and when i say small I mean 2 moves and we're in Paris. Again as in many games about the WW2 developers tend to always help the Allied Forces, because when I played with the Axis I always felt more pressure, I always had to think twice about my purchases, while on the other team, just hold out till USSR joins the fun and its all divide et impera from that point on. Another disadvantage is in my opinion the lack of a diplomacy tab in which u could have influenced nations to join ur cause. Everything goes according to history, and that bothers me, cause I don't understand why Russia should join the war if I don't attack them as the Axis, or the fact that Japan, which isn't in the game attacks the USA and BAM! they're in the war and I have to take responsibility for Japans actions. Anyway the game is enjoyable but feels sometimes rushed and incomplete, maybe we will see an expansion, but I think that is a little unlikely because this game isn't your actual high budget production. All in all I shall say it again, if you enjoy casual fun and easy-going tbs in ww2 this game is for you, otherwise return to the classics like Panzer General 2. Cheers!
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Took me a bit to get the hang of this one, But once I did I was really into it. After playing HOI3 this once was a real refresher. The writer that gave HOI3 a good score must not have played it. Although that game was mo... Read Full Review