Like Advance Wars with less units but requires a bit more thinking.
Sound is not at all close to good. The music is to eerie sounding and muffled. The gunshots and explosions sound like a 3 year old spitting apple sauce at you.
The graphics are alright but nothing to brag about. It is what you would expect on any 16 bit console.
There are hard moments in the game and it does take a bit of thinking out sometimes. You have your number of units, their firepower, and their terrain defense. Depending on all of that you get offensive power and defensive power. Military Madness is still a good game despite the sound effects and some music. Some of the music is excellent during your turn, but when it's the computers turn, turn the volume off. It's not that great.
If you have a friend who owns it, give it a shot at his/her house.
Or check out the wii site with previews for VC games. At first I didn't like it, now it is very addicting.