hardest game ever made. If you want a strange adventure and a challenge almost no mortal can beat, this game is for you
The graphics are pretty good and the music is great even though there are not many songs.
But beware: it's INSANELY hard. Here are a few reasons why: 1) You have but 1 life. Die once, and you have to start ALL OVER AGAIN. 2) In other games, when you get hit by a monster, you become invulnerable for a second while you get ready to deal with the situation. But in this game that does not exist and you can immediately be hit again. A single monster passing through you once can knock out half your health meter. 3) Health is almost impossible to find. 4) You are given only a handful of completely useless hints. The castle is so full of hidden items, doors, passages, and monsters that you're basically stumbling around blind through the whole game. 5) Your attack bubbles only move diagonally upwards or downwards- never straight ahead which makes hitting monsters terribly hard.
I first played this game when I was 5 or so years old. Through my early years the farthest I ever got was just barely to the second floor (the first floor is tiny in comparison). I'm now 21 and picked it up at a pawn shop and took it for a spin once again. Guess what....after weeks of play, I've still only gotten to the second floor and am not even close to getting through it to the third. This is THE hardest game I've ever played. If you can beat this, you must be a god of gaming. Do not use a strategy guide though. In puzzle games like this, that's cheating.