First let me jsut address that i have just started playign this game for an hr....i absolutely love it.....its the most clever concept of mind control and mind jacking mid game play i have seen and it works very well....i would give this game a 9 if i knew the story line but to be honest the game flows very well......This is a good game for square enix, branching out of the usual turnbased fun games they usually come out with but this game feel like a square soft game indeed, cool main characters, the graphics are up to scratch (look at the main characters outfit) its similar to the bouncer but with guns and mind jacking and a hint of mass effect. But obviously you can see its not a high budget game ...and i brought this game for £4.99.The only flaw i can see with the game is the use of the attack melle button. It doesnt get used often and its more of a just in case function of the game ......IN A NUTSHELL BUY THIS GAME IF YOU LIKE SQUARESOFT AND APPRECIATE THE UNDERRATED GAMES THAT ARE ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD, THAT SITES LIKE GAMESPOT OFTEN GIVE LOW SCORES ......ITS BECAUSE OF THESE REVIEWS THAT GAMES DONT DO VERY WELL
First of all: I liked the game, in spite of several GS nobles' quite ostentatious disdain suggesting outer rather than in-game reasons coming into play, and am thus eager to further explore the online possibilities offer... Read Full Review
Now SquareEnix had a chance to do something good here; the concept is not a new one (Messiah - PC, Demons Souls) but could have been nicely transported into a concept for the new generation. But no. SquareEnix has fai... Read Full Review