I was on the fence with this one to be honest. I was thinking really? the graphics are horrible! there is no way this would be my type of game....pfft no way not me! I've been told I'm not a gamer because I play Call Of Duty. I don't venture outside of the FPS genre, friends say not your type of game (Minecraft). Well folks I gave it a try and I have discovered an entirely new love for gaming. I'm kind of sick of shooting people in games or pwning or getting pwned.
I have heard a lot of people playing this game including my nephews of whom are a lot younger than myself. I looked into it researched it if you will to see objectives and just what the heck you're supposed to do in this game. I went ahead and pulled the trigger and downloaded it from the PSN. Twenty Bucks! what have I got to lose?
I really enjoyed it! I KNOW RIGHT? a FPS style gamer that doesn't often step out of his comfort zone? I wasn't just mildly entertained, I was immersed in this digital block world for like 5 hours straight completely enthralled in it. I found distractions like (Facebooking, and texting people) typical stuff you do when your bored I found a frustration instead of a way to keep myself entertained . Okay more on the details of the game that got me interested in it.
I started playing the tutorial mode first to get a feel for the game I highly recommend it for those of you that have never played it. You will see trees and grass and water and sand and terrain basically which are all very important elements in survival mode ok? You will be able to make stuff outta these things no not just blocks building a house I'm talking about putting these things in a furnace and firing them to create stuff like armor, better mining tools, weapons, glass and stuff like that. Now, this review is going to be a working progress ok? I just started playing it and haven't gotten the complete picture of everything you can create. So going through tutorial mode it gives you a gist of how to start creating stuff, then it tells you to start building a house to shelter you from creepers at night. What? "creepers?" The shack, or house, you decide to create big or small will keep these things at bay. However they can still get in because they will try to beat your door down (that you created of course) you can't just select a door from your inventory you have to create it from the "crafting table" lol that you have to create as well. Survival mode is pretty cool because it forces you to create everything for your house out of elements listed earlier in this review. Then you have the green and white bomb dudes...ok one of these bastards was walking next to my house so I went over to him and pwned him ok? He freaking explodes and blew out the side of my house including a huge crater in the ground. On top of that I was repairing the huge crater and repairing my house another one of those freaks hopped down in the crater I pwned his ass and it made an even bigger hole....ugh!!! Watch out for these guys.
Then you have creative mode ok? in creative mode you have all the tools and elements and basically everything available in minecraft free and unlimited amounts of it. Unlike survival mode where you have to mine these things and create these things one by one. If your just looking to create stuff with unlimited resources then creative mode is for you. I found this takes some of the fun out of it because for one, you didn't create it from scratch and you have zero gravity you can float around your creation. Hey! everyone likes different things you might find this a better mode, jump right in and create a huge mansion this way heck even have a waterfall inside your home, dig inside your mansion create a dungeon and secret paths! or a giant gun, anything you can dream up you can make it and even live in it!!
I hope this review gets you started and was helpful because if you're anything like me I was really skeptical if I would like it. Go download it and start crafting your masterpiece.
Created and edited by lattimer22