My first review on gamespot, for a game I have grown to love over due time.
The humble graphics co-operate with the elaborate gameplay perfectly. The soundtrack, when it does play, is absolutely beautiful and the newly added combat mechanics make the many creeper battles more interesting. The land is never ending and can sometimes really make the player lean in close to the screen and say "Wow" in an incredible sense of awe. The cave exploring is tense and rewarding, and nothing else in the game satisfies like finding some precious diamonds. I've even started building much better homes. Such as a seven storey fully equipped hotel, each room with a double bed and fully functional kitchen. And then came the army of modders and their creations, such as the Weeping Angels mod which on more than one occasion sent me to hospital with a heart attack.
But then there are the problems. When you've mastered the game there isn't much more to do. You've already built a marvellous mansion. You've already gotten thirty-nine diamonds. You've already explored the land and caves to your heart's content. Then there's nothing left. Just waiting for what the next update will bring. Maybe start up a new world but it doesn't really compare to playing it for the first time because you're already a pro. And this is not a problem that can be solved by a couple of mods. Not to mention the fact that every time Notch updates the game he breaks all installed mods then the modders have to update their mods, which on more than one occasion has left many of them giving up on their creations.
All in all it really depends on the type of gamer you are. If you enjoy sandbox games and games with a fantasy like setting than just try it. If you prefer shooting things in the face buy Call of Duty instead.