Very fun
The graphics made me think that graphics do not matter in a game. I do not remember how graphics were back then, but It certainly would look like a smoother game on the Nintendo 64.
The game play to be honest is the best of all. There are multiple cars showing different stats and speeds; They have their own things they can stack up on, but the fun part about this game are the weapons. When you start out, You'd probably start out with the first car shown, as did I. There are certainly not a lot of weapons, but what I figured out later was that you can upgrade it which would let you hold a higher magazine capacity (i.e. shooting a laser.)
There is certainly a lot of customization for this game, but knowing that there aren't any reviews or info in this game, no one is likely to see this.
I definitely recommend this game if you're looking for mindless end on end fun. It's unfortunate that it's not multiplayer or has ever earned a sequel, but if you happen to see it on a website for sell, I recommend that you should buy it.